Why Experiment, Collaborate, and Empower?

Experiment – I recognize solutions develop from a curious nature and desire to methodically approach problems through discovery, prioritizing process, testing/optimization, and pursuit of truth.

Collaborate – I want to share and support, improve, provide value, and drive success for the common good.

Empower – I am passionate about helping people recognize their worth and to become confident, credible, and capable, and courageous.

Channel your passion into purpose through exploration, experimentation & career coaching.

Many individuals who truly have a growth mindset feel they’re swinging on a jungle gym instead of climbing a ladder. I work 1:1 to help people:

  • explore their passions
  • identify purpose pillars
  • permit themselves to experiment in both life and career
  • see that upward path and build forward

If you’re struggling to feel grounded in a career choice, want to explore new topics, roles, learn how to identify transferrable skills, and swing to another industry, let’s chat.